
Interesting facts about Sun

  • The Sun is one among the 200 billion stars in our Milky Way galaxy.
  • The Sun is one among the 6000 stars, which is visible to naked eye from the Earth.
  • The mass of Sun is  1.989 x 1030 kg (Approximately 2 million trillion trillion kilograms).
  • The Sun's energy output is 386 billion billion megawatt.
  • The Earth receives 94 billion megawatt of energy from Sun. This is equivalent to 40,000 times the power requirement of United states.
  • The reaction taking place in Sun is nuclear fusion, same as a Hydrogen bomb.
  • Each second 700 million tons of Hydrogen are converted to 695 million tons of Helium and 5 million tons of energy in the form of gamma rays.
  • Each second the Sun loses 5 million tons of material.
  • The Sun's temperature at its core is 14 million Kelvin.
  • The pressure at the Sun's core is 340 billion times the pressure at the Earth's atmosphere.
  • The density of matter at the Sun's core is about 150 times the density of water in the Earth.
  • It takes up to 50 million years for the energy produced at the core of the Sun to reach its surface.
  • If the Sun were to stop producing energy today, it would take 50 million years for significant effects to be felt at Earth.