
A woman spends an average of 2 years of her life time looking at herself in the mirror; a man spends 6 months

TIME is our most precious resource, but few of us really know where it all goes.
Average British man, who lives to the age of 76, and a woman, with a life expectancy of 81

Women – one year: All those hours working up a sweat in the gym or at PE in school takes up a full 12 months of a woman’s life.
Men – two years: Playing football, rugby and pool clocks up two years of a man’s existence.
Women – two years: Nationally, women spend an average of 22 minutes a day shopping. That’s 651 days in the average lifetime, says Visa and the Future Foundation market research think tank. And surprise, surprise – it’s much more than the men.
Men – one year:  The survey doesn’t say how much of men’s time in stores – an average of 370 days – is spent being dragged around by women.
Women – two years: Working women take an average 90 minutes to get ready. That’s made up of 10 minutes showering, 30 minutes applying make-up, 24 minutes doing their hair and 26 minutes deciding what to wear and getting dressed. The research was by
Men – six months: A quick shower, shave and slick of hair gel takes 11 minutes: five minutes in the shower, two minutes shaving, one minute on their hair and three minutes getting dressed. That rises to 32 minutes when a bloke prepares for a night out or a date.
Women – two and a half years: Dusting, vacuuming and washing the dishes seriously eats into a woman’s time. She spends 12 days a year, or five and a half hours a week, in the domestic doldrums, according to broadband supplier Bulldog.
Men – 18 months: Shocked that men spend so much less time doing household chores than women? No, neither were we.
Women – three years: Hard-working women spend 19 days every year slaving over a hot stove, says oven firm Stoves.
Men – one and a half years: Jamie Oliver and Gordon Ramsay aside, most British men prefer the ping of a microwave to spending hours delicately preparing dinner. They are in the kitchen for around 514 days throughout their lives.
Women – three years: Commuting, ferrying the children around and driving on family holidays adds up to 20 hours a week behind the wheel.
Men – three years: Men clock up just as much time behind the wheel, says Lloyds TSB Insurance.
Women – 13 years: According to a poll of 30,000 people by NOP World, women spend 18 hours a week glued to the box.
OK, so Desperate Housewives and Corrie are addictive – but just think how else you could spend all that time.
Men – 10 years: The average bloke spends less time watching soaps and more time watching sport. But women have hold of the remote control more often.
Women – four years: Standing in line at the lottery kiosk, bus stop, supermarket or post office seems like a major waste of time – and is. The average adult spends 68 minutes a day standing in a queue.
Men – four years: A larger chunk of men’s queuing time is spent standing in line at the bar – as much as 11 months for the average bloke.
Women – four and a half years: Time spent sitting down at the table to eat is fast diminishing as many busy women eat on the go.
Men – four years: Long lunches and scoffing snacks eats up a long time in a man’s life.
Women – four and a half years: The amount of time spent surfing the net is increasing steadily each year, and now women spend an average of 11 hours a week online.
Men – six years: Checking up on sport and emailing mates seems to be a big hobby for men. They have even grown fond of online shopping. Well, it saves time in stores, doesn’t it?
Women – five and a half years: Over a lifetime we will make or receive 283,126 calls – 155,928 work-related and 127,198 domestic phone chats.
Men – four years: It may come as no surprise that women spend 18 months longer than men nattering on the phone.
Women – eight and a half years: Working between the ages of 16 and 60, and taking time off to raise children and at weekends and holidays, clocks up a whole lot of hard labour for women.
Men – 10 and a half years: Slaving away at work from the age of 16 to 65 notches up more than a decade of the average busy man’s life.
Women – 27 years: Eight hours’ sleep a night may sound luxurious. But according to a survey by bed makers Silentnight that’s how long most women spend dozing when the endless hours spent sleeping as a child and the amount of shut-eye you take through adulthood is averaged. Five years of this time is spent dreaming.
Men – 25 and a half years: Women may not believe that men spend less time in the pit, but in reality it has more to do with their shorter life expectancy than with laziness.
Women – six months: It’s a quick in and out of the lav for ladies. Few spend any time reading magazines in the bathroom.
Men – three years: Spending an amazing 40 minutes a day on the loo certainly clocks up over a lifetime, chaps.