#16 He's Keeping an Eye on You
Eyelid tattoos are a thing, although we don't really understand how the needle doesn't poke through into a person's eyes.
Believe it or not, this man has his eyes closed. We wonder what it looks like when he blinks . . . sleeping next to this dude must be the creepiest experience imaginable.

#15 Lil Wayne
Here is Lil Wayne's famous eyelid tattoo, reminding us that he fears god. If he continues overdosing on cough syrup, he's going to be facing his fear pretty darn soon . . .
#14 Guys, would you?
She looks so hot, at least with her eyes closed. If she looks half as good with her eyes open as she does with them closed, then she's a babe for sure. But would her eery eyelid eyeball tattoos mean that she could never be dating material?
#13 Those Are Not His Eyes
Believe it or not, this man has his eyes closed. This is one of the most convincing eyes-on-the-eyelid tattoos we've ever seen, and it's terrifying.
#12 Eyes Closed
We don't really understand the appeal of these fake eye eyelid tattoos, but it really seems to be a thing. Maybe it's to scare off potential burglars in the night?
#11 Black Metal Warrior For Satan
Okay, even without the eyelid tattoos this guy's got a pretty intense look going. But add the pentagram and upside-down cross tattoos on his eyelid, and you have a dude who's certainly the most evil person in the mall, where he works at Hot Topic.
#10 Spiderman
This scary gentleman has a black widow tattooed on his eyelid. We won't say anymore about him because we'd prefer it if he didn't come and visit us in our worst nightmares . . .
#9 Blessed
This man has been 'blessed' with $$$$ eyelid tattoos. Perhaps a better word to tattoo on his face would be 'touched' or 'special' . . .
#8 Anime Eyes
This girl looks like she could be cute and sweet if she didn't have GIGANTIC ANIME EYES tattooed on her eyes and face. I wonder what she looks like with her eyes open?
#7 Sweet Prince
Okay, this one's actually kind of sweet and charming. Sweet beard, bro.
#6 Bombs Ahoy?
These are pretty cool, but we're not sure if the anchor and the grenade are supposed to have some kind of special meaning together, or if they are totally unrelated tattoo designs that happen to both be on this guy's eyelids.
#5 No Words
I have no words . . . just . . . there are no words. This man certainly wins the prize for most colorful and cheerful eyelid tats.
#4 He's Ready Ladies
This man is pure sex, at least that's what his eyelids are telling us. He looks a little more like pure STD.
#3 Wannabe Wayne
This dude got the same eyelid tattoos that Lil Wayne made famous. Maybe his friends call him Lil Lil Wayne?
#2 Secret Symbols
Okay, so we don't know what either of these symbols represent, but we think these are kind of cool. Definitely some of the more tasteful eyelid tattoos we've seen so far.
#1 Don't Get It?
Yeah, neither do we. It looks like the little pyramid that's on the dollar bill, interesting choice for an eyelid tattoo .