
Your brain actually lives in the past!

The brain is actually living in the past of things that have already happened, because it takes a few milliseconds for the brain to comprehend what is happening around it. So, everything that you think is happening instantly, actually happened a really really short time ago.
To test this, a research study once had people turn on a lightbulb by pushing a button, with an 80 millisecond delay. Eventually, their brains got used to that delay and assumed that 80ms was instantaneous.After repeating this step multiple times, scientists changed the length of time it took for the light to turn on to 40 milliseconds - half of the original time.
When participants pushed the red button and the light came on, they were in disbelief that they were the ones that caused the light to go on. In fact, the participants believed that the light came on BEFORE they even touched the button - a perfect experiment to show that the brain lives a delayed life.